
Purchase of a new instrument 3 August 2022

In January 2021, the E.R.A. purchased a master instrument by Hristo Todorov Cremona 2018. It is a copy of the violin Antonio Stradivari, Cremona 1715 Titian, Comte de Sauzay. Maria Machowska – concertmaster of the National Philharmonic describes the violin as follows: “It is an instrument characterized by a beautiful, noble sound. The timbre of all four strings is very even, and the carrying capacity of the sound is not inferior to masterful, age-old instruments. Its great advantage is the ease of extracting and shaping the sound”. E.R.A. Foundation In the future, she would like to give the violin to a young musician in the form of a loan agreement, so that he could improve his skills and develop his professional career, having at his disposal a very good instrument.