
Children’s Day with the R.A. Foundation. 5 June 2023

The best outcome of our event was the smiles of our young charges, and we are happy to have achieved this! The R.A. Foundation organised an extraordinary event to celebrate Children’s Day. Thanks to the support of the City of Bialystok, we received free tickets to the performance “Karmelek” at the Bialystok Puppet Theatre and the Bialystok Ferris Wheel. Our cooperation with the Chorten Group allowed us to satisfy the sweet cravings of our charges, who received large parcels of various sweets.

In addition, we managed to finance and support the organisation of a meeting with alpacas for children at the Waldemar Kikolski Special School and Educational Centre, to which we also invited our young charges.

We would like to express our deep thanks to all the participants of these events for their help and participation.