The R.A Foundation has once again prepared support for our pupils in the form of the most necessary food and cleaning products. The beneficiaries of the Foundation will be able to pick up products such as rice, groats, milk, oil and various types of canned food from our warehouse. There are various types of sweets […]
WięcejLast Friday, as part of the R.A. of the project, we took the children to the trampoline park. This is a good place to go crazy and use your energy. Children from Poland and Ukraine could play together and get to know each other. As you can see in the photos attached, the fun was […]
WięcejAt first we visited Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru. We participated in short workshops with the children, and then we went on the prepared thematic path. The youngest listened with great interest the guide who showed them around this interesting place. We would like to thank the employees of the Museum for the extraordinary passion they put […]
WięcejNext Thursday (September 15) we will go together to the Siberian Memorial Museum. Museum staff prepared for us workshops and a thematic path. It will be interesting After visiting the Museum, we will have lunch together. The event is completely free. We invite you to sign up at: The task “We act together” financed […]
WięcejWe cordially invite children and teenagers from primary schools to integrate together on 15 and 16 September! We will visit the Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru, and then spend time actively in the trampoline park. We guarantee a lot of fun! Details on the poster. September 15 – visit to the Museum (workshops and guided tours on […]
Więcej“Robert, Adam – Foundation” is one of thirteen non-governmental organizations that received financial support in the competition “We act together” financed from the budget of the City of Białystok. The aim of the program is to integrate the inhabitants of Białystok with refugees. Thanks to the funds received, we will implement the project “Integration through […]
WięcejWe would like to thank the Organizer City of Białystok for great fun There were many attractions, which resulted in a large attendance of Białystok residents. At the festival, non-governmental organizations involved in the promotion of Polish-Ukrainian integration, including the R. A. Thank you for many conversations and spending this afternoon together. See you at […]
WięcejWe are pleased with the commitment and conscientiousness of its participants. The course participants started the course with a varied level of language knowledge, but thanks to the hard work and help of the teacher, each of them communicates in Polish more and more efficiently. Congratulations on your progress and keep it up!
WięcejThe R. A. Foundation would like to thank Pavel Sokolov and Angelik Klepack for the received financial support for helping refugees from Ukraine. We are extremely grateful to the inhabitants of distant Hoboken (USA) for their heart and solidarity with the victims of the war in Ukraine. Thank you for visiting us at the Foundation! […]
WięcejSuch meetings are always a good opportunity for talks, and our pupils are getting better at speaking Polish . We are very pleased that many Ukrainian citizens found themselves in the reality of Białystok and are ready to become independent. Excitement among children is mixed with fear when they think about the new school year. […]